Tests and Procedures

Arm lift

What you can expect

An arm lift can be done in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility.

Sometimes the procedure is done with sedation and local anesthesia, which numbs only part of your body. In other cases, general anesthesia — which renders you unconscious — is recommended.

Before the procedure

  • Avoid certain medications. You'll likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding.
  • Arrange for help during recovery. Make plans for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you as you begin to recover.

During the procedure

Your plastic surgeon will make incisions on the undersides of your arms. The length and pattern of the incisions depends on how much skin will be removed.

After making the incisions, the plastic surgeon will tighten your underlying tissues and secure them with stitches. He or she might also use a suction technique to remove fat (liposuction).

Your skin will then be draped over the new contours and excess skin will be removed. Stitches or surgical tape will be used to close the incisions.

After the procedure

After an arm lift, your incisions will be covered in bandages. Your arms will be loosely wrapped in elastic bandages to minimize swelling. Small tubes might be placed in your arms to drain any excess blood or fluid.

You'll likely see someone from your plastic surgery team within a day or two after your arm lift. He or she may remove your bandages and drainage tube if used. Some plastic surgeons may have you wear a compression sleeve for a few weeks to keep swelling down.

In the first few days after an arm lift:

  • Avoid lifting your arms above shoulder level for three to four weeks.
  • Avoid physical and athletic activities with your arms that might stretch the incisions for four to eight weeks after surgery.
  • Take pain medication as needed and use topical or oral antibiotics as directed to prevent wound infections.

Talk to your doctor about when — or if — your stitches will be removed. Some stitches dissolve on their own. Others must be removed in the doctor's office in the weeks after the procedure.

After an arm lift, contact your doctor immediately if you have:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pains
  • An irregular heartbeat
  • Redness of the skin and a fever